GOD IS NOT DONE WITH OUR COMMUNITY !! He loves Grove ! We have raised just over $613,000 ...our goal is $1,053,000 "Grove Sunday" is a week long effort Starting Feb 21st - Feb 27th to raise the remaining amount of the funds needed $439,000! Please Click Here To Print the Flyer to learn more about this effort! Hope you will join us ! We are now .... Engaged in a Capital Campaign to raise the remaining funds (In Kind Donations Welcome) needed to build our new facility! You can give on -line or mail a check or money order to 8910-E Pocahontas Trail Williamsburg Virginia 23185 Specify "Building Fund" in the memo. God is moving mightily in this process! Praise God the Special Use Permit was passed Unanimously by the Planning Commission and theBoard of Supervisors ! (Click link to watch the meetings ! ) The Site Plan was submitted! Pray God will walk us through the process of approval and direct our path. He has already...
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If you are interested in learning more about GCOC's building plans, please contact GCOC by calling 887-1100. We would love to talk with you and share all the amazing things God is doing! | |
The Outreach Ministry of St. Martin's Episcopal Church Williamsburg Virginia
What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8